Dec 23, 2008

The Prices For Write Away In Print

The WA! Giveaway for 5 Free January issues is almost done, with only 1 free
copy left! But I think the giving fun
isn't done... :)

We have stated our purpose as WA! to be a service and an help, not an extra cost, to writers-- and we want to live up to that purpose. That's why we are changing the "rules" just a bit in regard to Write Away! Magazine subscriptions.

When we considered it, $10 for 12 issues sounds like a lot (especially when many of you may not have even seen our work yet!) So we decided to offer a few deals for subscriptions. They are listed below:

Full Year Payment or Incremented Payment

You may pay the full price for a year's subscription ($11.50) all at once, or you can pay the amount in any other method of payment over time. We will not hold you to a full year's payment though because we print each of the issues the month before , and not yearly in advance. You pay for WA! magazine only for the months you ask for.

[Stamp payment section omitted for editing.]

Don't Forget WA!... Webzine

You may not think this is a deal per se, but it is! If you would like to have WA! monthly emailed to your inbox as an attachment to be opened in Word (97-2003), please email us with your own address and we'll put you on the list!

Try It Out!
While we offered the Giveaway to only 5 people, we think it'd be great to let more who are truly interested to request 1 Free issue also, at no cost. See if you like it first, then decide if you'd like to subscribe.

We wish we didn't have to charge anything to produce Write Away! magazine, but since that is the case, we hope you understand and still continue to support and contribute to WA!
If you'd like to take us up on any of these offers, just kindly copy the text above, and email it to us!
Many thanks,
Hannah & Ellis

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- the Write Away Staff