Mar 3, 2009

Goodbye, Write Away....

Hi everyone,

I have to admit, when Ellis & I first undertook the privilege of keeping Write Away! going, I never imagined that I'd ever want to give it up. However, as things have incredibly changed personally for myself and my co-editor in this last half-year or so, we believe we've got to let WA! go. It's sad, we know...

How did this come about?
Well, frankly, in my personal excitement to see WA continue, maybe I didn't realize that I had so much on my hands already. I've found that the lack of time has made it harder to keep up the quality of the magazine and the organization and communication associated with working with all our authors. In short, both Ellis and I have been short for time for Write Away; and what's worse - we don't potentially see any extra time coming our way in the future either.

Also, just so everyone knows, the blog and the website will stay put. You will still be able to go to both places and see & download the information there. However, the monthly assembling of articles & stories will stop and we won't be offering to mail the printed version anymore. We reluctant about having to do all this, especially since we personally enjoyed WA! so much, but we trust you all will understand.
I would like to kindly ask you to either email me, or comment on this post, and share your thoughts. Even if Write Away-ers have to part ways, you all as friends and writers never have to give up your connection with us! Keep writing and stay connected. Who knows? Maybe someday, WA! will come back bigger and better than ever before.

Thank you all for helping us out during this short, sweet existence of Write Away! and may God bless you all.

Hannah (& Ellis)
Editors of Write Away! Webzine & Magazine


  1. Well, I am sad to see it go, but if it must, it must. I will miss Write Away.

  2. You girls have been a blessing!

  3. Me too, Ellis!

    But, maybe...someday we can pick it up again. That, or someone else. :)

    We'll have to see.

  4. Well, this is very saddening indeed, but it isn't anybody's fault. I am glad it lived, even if it was a short life! It was my first time to ever be published in a real magazine! I know that you will both fill in your time with other wonderful things, so if they're ever in the written form, post them somewhere on this World Wide Web so that we can keep in touch. I always enjoy what y'all write.

  5. Everly, thank you for sharing your thoughts and that is an excellent idea! We can still post some of our writing here anyway; it just won't be in the formal way of a magazine. :)

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Tell us what you think on this subject. Please keep all comments mannerly and productive.
- the Write Away Staff