Feb 19, 2009

Let's look at WA together...

From looking at our poll, we can see that we had 3 votes. 2 votes for WA being a...
"A low-cost bought magazine and the option of seeing WA on a blog, or website for free."

(Which is actually what is already is, so... it's heartening!)
And one vote for the option of...
"A mailed, shiny papered, jam-packed issue full of many young authors' writings."
So folks, what should we do? Is the way we are doing WA now all that bad? Or, could we, yes, improve? I'd like to hear your ideas!

Hannah (Editor)

Feb 7, 2009

Ditto The Last Post

Ahem.... Well, there has been a slight change in plans again. :) So sorry, but posting the webzine on the blog does not work for two reasons:

  1. The content (coming from the Word document) has an unallowable HTML code for Blogger posting.

  2. The magazine itself is too big to handle in the small posting box here on Blogger.

So, back to square one! Sorry for the confusion (and inconvenience.) If you have any suggestions for the webzine, or problems with the way it is step up, please tell me. And give us your ideas for it too! Write Away is really all about, you, the writers. :)

Thanks & God bless,

Hannah (Editor)

Feb 6, 2009

There Has Been A Change in Plans

Hi everyone,

Don't worry; it's nothing major. I just thought I'd actually use this blog, and using one big post, to try to get the February issue all in one place. Here, where it's easy for you to see and easy to find.

How's that sound? Origionally, I think that's what we had in mind (I don't know what made us use the Google website instead.) So, here it goes!

The next post will be the 2009 Febraury issue; right here, on Write Away Webzine.

Hannah (Editor)

Feb 1, 2009

The February Issue

The February issue is complete and ready for you to download on our website.
Thank you all for contributing so many great pieces this month; it made for (as you'll see) a very entertaining and interesting issue!
God bless,
The Editors,
Hannah & Ellis

P.S.- If you would still like to have future issues of W.A. mailed to you, we are always happy to do that also. Email us, and we'll set you up for that.